here you can find my fanfic, some thoughts on writing and editing, and a collection of character pages because I write a lot and there are copious little blorbos that live in my brain!
Works are split into main categories, because it turns out i had a lot to say about dungeons and dragons and the forgotten realms! Every fic contains an AO3 link, or you can go straight there.
2400 words
Rating: T
Summary:A young trans man is offered a new kind of HRT that proves to have devastating dental consequences. A short, original trans horror story, available to download for free/PWYW on
1728 words
Story: Dark of the Moon
Rating: E
Pairing: Osinyra/Otienne
Summary: Osinyra enjoys bloodying her favourite princess. Her favourite princess rather enjoys it too.
1559 words
Story: Dark of the Moon
Rating: E
Pairing: Osinyra/Ihrone
Summary: Ihrone thought Otienne tying her up and leaving her in a cupboard was bad enough—and then Osinyra arrived.
548 words
Story: Valloroth
Rating: G
Pairing: Lucian/Vren
Summary: Lucian and Vren seek shelter from the rain. Vren would rather not talk about his feelings. Kissing about them, on the other hand, is very much on the table.
527 words
Story: Valloroth
Rating: G
Pairing: Sorrow/Vren
Summary: Sorrow cares for an injured Vren, and lets slip an infernii pet-name for him.
883 words
Story: Valloroth
Rating: G
Pairing: Sorrow & Aspiration
Summary: A scene from early in Sorrow and Aspiration’s relationship, set in the time after she found him post-shattering and was helping him to recover.